Answers to participants’ questions: competition for the best development concept for the area on the right bank of the Kazanka River
Q&AAnswers to participants’ questions
Question 1. When working on the competition project, should the materials of the Kazan historical settlement sustainable development concept (file in folder 007) be considered? If yes, what is the most important?
Answer. The project area is located outside the historical settlement borders. The materials of the Kazan historical settlement sustainable development concept are provided for your information.
Question 2. The source materials include the Kazanka River development strategies and the riverfront development strategy (folder 013). Should they be considered and to what extent? The strategy is related to our design areas, that is why we are asking this question.
Answer. The strategy should certainly be considered, it is stated in the competition technical assignment. However, it is important to understand that the strategy was developed before the Horizon Park concept by Michel Péna and regarding this adjacent territory, first of all, one should be guided by the Horizon Park concept. The strategy suggests construction of a hotel complex, which is being designed in the project area. Also the strategy includes construction of a pier, which can be designed in the place proposed by the concept (or in any other place). The most important requirement of the strategy - an uninterrupted riverfront - should be definitely respected.
Question 3. Could you please send us a document on Kazan strategic development until 2030 (or 2025-29)?
Answer. Strategic development of the city with regard to urban planning is described in the master plan, you can find it in the source materials. There is also a document called Strategy of Social and Economic Development of Kazan until 2030, you can find it at: kzn.ru
Question 4. The terms “serviced apartments” and “hotel serviced residences” are not defined in the official regulatory documents, could you please give us the definitions of the terms to avoid any misunderstanding?
Answer. The terms “serviced apartments” and “hotel serviced residences” are marketing terms, and there are no regulatory documents on them yet.
“Serviced apartments” are a type of commercial real estate, luxury apartments or rooms for short stays which imply a 24-hour MC and concierge service ready to solve any problem or provide any service to the guests (dry cleaning, food delivery, taxi), serviced apartments include a full bathroom, kitchen and kitchen equipment, and individual interior design. Serviced apartments are a part of a classic hotel facility and have access to its internal service infrastructure (gym or fitness center, swimming pool, cafes, convenience stores, drug stores, etc.).
“Hotel serviced residences” are a type of commercial real estate, higher class apartments with individual interior design, premium views, and high-class hotel services included in the price (concierge, spa, breakfast including in-room, event organization, room cleaning, technical support and repair services). They are meant for a long stay and are a part of a classic hotel facility.
Question 5. The technical assignment specifies the area required for various functional facilities. Is it the total area or the total floor area measured to the external face of the external walls?
Answer. The technical assignment specifies the usable area of the facilities. The folder 015 of the source materials contains an expert opinion of JLL Hotels & Hospitality Group, Russia & CIS regarding background for the mixed-use complex project at Lot 2, which provides grounding and area calculations.
Question 6. The conditions do not specify whether the existing 4-story building of the Riviera Entertainment Complex at Lot 1 should be preserved (reconstructed) or whether it can be demolished.
Answer. The existing 4-storey building of the Riviera Film Center should be demolished.
Question 7. The purpose and capacity of buildings at Lots 1 and 2 are specified, but in case of Lot 3 it is not clear what is meant by urban renewal, there are only height characteristics. Does this mean that all other parameters of buildings at this lot are at the discretion of the participants? Should there be a public space or a commercial facility in this territory? What kind of capital construction facilities are allowed?
Answer. The participants should suggest ideas for the complete renovation of Lot 3. The goal is to show the development potential of the area.
Question 8. Do we need to design the concert hall the Republic media recently mentioned? If the concert hall is not planned, does it mean that Lot 2 is just the place where 3 and 5-star hotels, serviced residences, retail, etc. should be designed?
Answer. In accordance with the technical assignment, an object of federal importance should be designed at Lot 2. Previously it was mentioned in the documents as a “congress center”. The 015 folder in the source materials contains a proposal of the customer experts on the area and functions of the “congress center”.
Question 9. Are there any height limits for hotel buildings?
Answer. Height limits are specified in the technical assignment: “Height parameters: the buildings are recommended to be not higher than 85-87 m, emphases – not higher than 97-100 m (with the total height of the building not more than 158 m in absolute marks)”. Accents - finishing of high-rise volumes. Placement of technical rooms is allowed over the mark 85-87 m. It is important that they are not just rectangular volumes, but it’s good if they participate in the plastic formation of a harmonious silhouette of the building.
Question 10. Could you please specify the topographic underlay file with clear red lines and lot borders.
Answer. Unfortunately, when the competition started, we did not have a file showing both the borders of the project area and the red lines. The file has now been prepared and added to the source materials in folder 001 (COMPETITION-SITE-BORDERS-AND-RED-LINES.jpg)
Question 11. There is no information (unreadable small-format booklet in folder 012) on the adjacent park area (“Horizon Park” by Michel Péna). If the lot should be connected to the park area, we need to have a detailed view of it.
Answer. We have contacted Michel Péna and asked for a more detailed concept of the Horizon Park at a higher resolution. Soon we will add materials on the Horizon Park concept. The announcement will be published on the competition website and will be sent to the contact addresses of all registered participants. On June, 9, the concept papers prepared and submitted by Michel Pena's team were added to the basic documentation.
Question 12. Could you please list 5 view photos for montage?
Answer. The view photos were added to the source materials on May 21 (folder 017).
Question 13. The competition project should include “elevation along streets and from the opposite bank of the Kazanka River”. Could you list the streets please?
Answer. The following elevation views should be provided:
See diagram:
Question 14. The competition project should include “scheme of pedestrian and transport communications (analysis and proposal)”. Could you please specify the lots and material?
Answer. The scheme of pedestrian and transport links is being developed in an integrated manner for the sites to be developed and for adjacent territories.
Question 15. How are “materials enclosed in the envelope” formed and delivered?
Answer. The envelope should include the Declaration of Authorship (Appendix 9 to the Regulations). There are two ways to form an envelope:
Question 16. Folder 015 contains an expert opinion. Is it a technical assignment or a recommendation for Lot 2 design?
Answer. The expert conclusion prepared by Hotels & Hospitality Group JLL, Russia & CIS for Site No. 2, provides some indicative figures in relation to the area, based on preliminary information of the multifunctional complex project. It is necessary to design within the framework of these indicators, and not exceed them.
Question 17. Folder 015 contains an expert opinion of JLL Hotels & Hospitality Group, Russia & CIS, which states on p.15 that “140,650 sq.m. of usable area + 43,016 sq.m. of parking spaces”. At the same time in the technical assignment the usable area is 216,280 sq.m. for Lots 1 and 2 (141,280 sq.m. for Lot 2). Does this mean that the expert opinion in folder 015 refers to Lot 2? And is the total usable area according to the technical assignment for Lots 1 and 2 really supposed to be 216,280 m² (approximately)?
Answer. That is correct. “Expert opinion on the background for the mixed-use complex project” in folder 015 refers Lot 2. The total usable area for Lots 1 and 2 according to the technical assignment is from 211,500 m².
Question 18. In "right-bank-of-kazanka-river-competition-2021-assignment-en" regarding Lot 1 it is indicated that it is intended for: Mixed-use complex. But only 75,000 m2 and up of Serviced apartments are proposed. The question is whether in Lot 1 other types of uses can be planned, such as offices or Retail?
Answer. In accordance with our definition of “serviced apartments” given in the answer to question 4, the participant should provide a service infrastructure for them, including retail. The areas for various types of service infrastructure are at the discretion of participants.
Question 19. Regarding the number of parking spaces, how can we establish the necessary amount? Could you tell us what are the formulas to calculate the required number?
Answer. The parameter of parking spaces for capital construction facilities within the lots is calculated in accordance with the local design standards for places of temporary and long-term storage of cars (parking spaces) in the territory of Kazan. See folder 003 of the source materials or at kzn.ru (pages 167-169).
Question 20. Will the construction be performed in phases, one lot after the other?
Answer. The 1st stage - Section 1; the 2nd stage - Section 2.
Question 21. Is it possible to combine objects (e.g. arrange a single underground parking lot) of the apartment complex at Lot 1 and the mixed-use complex at Lot 2?
Answer. No.
Question 22. Is it possible to change the location of objects within Lots 1 and 2? For example, to place a part of the mixed-use complex at Lot 1?
Answer. It is acceptable only to a small extent, but in general it is not recommended.
Question 23. Regarding Height parameters, in the assignment provided in “000-technical-assignment” it is indicated that: he buildings are recommended to be not higher than 85-87 m, emphasis - not higher than 97-100 m (with the total height of the building not more than 158 m in absolute marks). But in the video provided in "000-banners-logos-promo_video" it is indicated the height of buildings (max + 85) and accent on height (max * 97). The question is which of the two pieces of information is correct? This accent on height can be a useful space (such as apartment or office area) or is it like to enhance as an antenna or a double height of roof?
Answer. We recommend to keep within the numbers specified in the video: the height of buildings – not more than 85 m, emphases – not more than 97 m. However, the parameters specified in the technical assignment are also acceptable.
Q.24. Is it possible to locate the building on site No. 1 close to the border with site No. 3? And could the necessary setback of 20 meters from the rear border of the site be made on site 3, since we have the opportunity to offer our vision of the territory? How strictly shall we follow the setbacks, given the design stage - a concept, a competition of ideas?
Answer. Plot 3 is not to be used for the design, it belongs to the development zone. For placement of buildings, only sections 1 and 2 may be used. Though, you can use your own approach if your concept requires it.
Question 25. How detailed the drawings must be (the plan schemes of the ground floor and normal floors, etc.)? Does one need to make a plan with furniture? Or are the drawings made in general terms indicating the dimensions acceptable?
Answer. Within the framework of the competitive project, it is sufficient to develop floor plan schemes. The development of plans with the arrangement of furniture and equipment is not required. Detailed drawings can be made when necessary at your own discretion.
Question 26. Is it possible to design the pier of a different shape, taking into account that, in the M. Pena concept, the piers have a rectilinear shape?
Answer. This is at the discretion of the competition participant.
Question 27. The Terms of Reference indicate the need to locate an object of regional significance for the congress center. The JLL analysis indicates the required area of 2000 m² and the requirement to organize a covered walkway if the facility is located separately. Mat this be an underground passage?
Answer. It is advisable (but not obligatory) to design a free-standing structure. Other parameters are at the discretion of the competition participants.
Question 28. At the expert conclusion of JLL company, it is said about the availability of underground parking lots. The plot for design is located in the river bed, what about the groundwater? Where can I find information on it? What is the water table? How far can you go down?
Answer. The results of geological survey are provided in the basic data. You can go down to a distance not lower than design elevation of 54 m (Baltic height system).
Question 29. Is there any limit for the number of buildings, given the total useful area of the objects is over 200,000 m²?
Answer. No, there isn’t.
Question 30. Please tell us in more detail about the object of regional significance (according to the expert opinion, it is a congress center). Could you please specify its dimensions, area, entrances, parking, number of storeys.
Answer. On site No. 2, it is necessary to design a Regional Significance Object with a hall capacity of at least 2000 seats. It is advisable (but not obligatory) to design a free-standing structure. Other parameters are at the discretion of the competition participants.
Question 31. Is it obligatory to provide an explanatory note in English or in Russian is enough? Shall the folders be in 2 languages, too? Should the competition projects prepared in English be translated into Russian?
Should English entries be also translated into Russian?
Answer. In accordance with the Competition Regulations, the text part of the competition projects must be made both in Russian and English. It means that all competition materials (album and folders) must be supplied with parallel texts in Russian and English. This is necessary so that both Russian and foreign jury members could get acquainted with the project, as well as to prevent partial de-anonymization of the projects - it is desirable that the jury members did not know whether the competition concept was created by Russian or foreign architects.
Question 32. How shall we draw up an explanatory note? One can't write his/her full name there? What shall the title sheet look like? How shall we draw up an album? Does each page need to contain logos, emblems of the city, developer, etc.?
Answer. No materials of the competition projects (with the exception of the Declaration of Authorship, Appendix 9 to the Competition Regulations) should contain any authorship references. Logos, the city coat of arms and other images shall not be necessarily placed on the competition materials. Each album sheet, including the title page, shall contain the motto (size and place are optional). The motto is also indicated on each folder, see the example of the folder layout in the basic data (file 016).
Question 33. Is it possible to change the timing of the competition, for example, by moving the submission of projects deadline to the first days of July?
Is it possible to postpone the submission date, for example to the first days of July?
Answer. There are currently no plans to make any changes in the timing of the competition.
Question 34. Are three-star and four-star hotels supposed to be located in the same place with the general infrastructure, or can they be located in different complexes?
Answer. This is at the discretion of the competition participant. But there are certainly advantages in a shared infrastructure solution.
Question 35. What are the requirements to hotel services (fitness, spa, etc.)? Content and location, standards for the rooms area.
Answer. The requirements are specified in the Decree No. 1860 "Regulations on the classification of hotels" of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 18, 2020. The document is available at government.ru/docs/all/131083/
Question 36. The Terms of Reference specify service apartments from 75,000 m². Is ‘from’ a keyword? The bigger, the better?
Answer. No, the key word is not “from”, but “comfortable living environment”.
Question 37. Is it obligatory to use in the final project the photos from the series photo file? Or is it okay to use one’s own photos?
Answer. Be sure to use photos 001, 002, 003, 004 and 005 from file 017 in the basic data. Additional photos - at the discretion of the participants, you can use your own photos.
Question 38. Doesn’t the concept imply insolation calculation? Is it necessary to foresee the infrastructure typical for residential complexes, children's and sports playgrounds?
Answer. Hotels and their infrastructure must be designed in accordance with the requirements of the Russian legislation. Insolation calculation is not required.
Question 39. Can the building be placed close to the red lines and plot boundaries?
Answer. Yes.
Question 40. How bold we can be? An example is Moscow City. Is it expensive or optimal?
Answer. This is at the discretion of the competition participant. Taking into account the fact that a unique architectural ensemble should appear on the designed territory, which will become a point of attraction for residents and guests of the city. And also taking into account the architectural and urban planning context. The ensemble should have a harmonious view from all streets, not only from the Kremlin. The level of urban planning solutions should correspond to the level the place significance.
Question 41. It is planned to place a hotel with infrastructure on site number 2, also, it is supposed to place an apart-hotel on site number 1, is it possible to combine these functions in one volume and combine these two plots?
Answer. No, there isn’t.
Question 42. In terms of its emphasis and uniqueness, must the complex be like the residential complex Bereg, the Riviera, or like the Chasha?
Answer. No, it must not. See the answer to question 40.