An International Competition for a National Opera House at Bennelong Point, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia : Conditions and Programme : [Brown Book]. — Sydney, 1955An International Competition for a National Opera House at Bennelong Point, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia : Conditions and Programme : ["Brown Book"]. — Sydney : A. H. Pettifer, Government Printer, 1955. — 25 p., ill.
This series, commonly known as the "Brown Book", is the booklet for the conditions and programme for the "International Competition for a National Opera House at Bennelong Point, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia". The booklet contains the following headings: conditions of competition, black and white photographs of site, a summary of relevant regulations to be observed, description of site, site requirements, building requirements and schedule of dates associated with the competition. There are three copies. Copy C appears to have been the earliest version. The copies come from the office of Mr T. Walker, Deputy Director of Public Works. The booklet was printed in Sydney by, A.H. Pettifer, Government Printer in 1955.
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