Cunningham P. London in 1857. — London, 1856London in 1857 / By Peter Cunningham, F. S. A. — [4th edition]. — London : John Murray, Albemarle street, [1856]. — LII, 316 p., ill.ADVERTISEMENT TO THE FOURTH EDITION.
In my advertisement to the third edition of this work, I observed “that I had endeavoured to place myself in the position of a well-informed guide seeking to give a stranger in London every requisite information respecting lodgings, eating-houses, places of amusement, &c; of one whose aim it had been to point out those features of the metropolis best worth seeing, with the way in which they might be seen to the best advantage.”
In this new edition I have sought to carry out the same intention ; have made many additions and corrections; and, as far as it was possible, have brought up all useful information to the day of publication.
For other particulars, as well as for a more detailed and historical account of antiquarian London, and of streets and places no longer existing, I must refer the reader to the “Handbook for London, Past and Present.”
Victoria Road, Kensington,
May 13,1856.
I. Introductory Hints and Suggestions .. ix
II. Palaces of the Sovereign and Household Offices 1
III. Houses of the Principal Nobility and Gentry . 8
IV. Parks and Public Gardens .. 26
V. Houses of Parliament...36
VI. The Thames and its Bridges, Thames Tunnel, Pool and Port of London..42
VII. Government Offices..49
VIII. Commercial Buildings and Docks . 61
IX. Markets ..73
X. Breweries...77
XI. Water Companies...78
XII. Sewerage.79
XIII. Tower of London...81
XIV. Churches.94
XV. Cemeteries...132
XVI. Courts of Law and Justice .. 136
XVII. Inns of Court and Chancery ..141
XVIII. Prisons, Penitentiaries, and Places of Execution . 147
XIX. Permanent Free Exhibitions .. 151
XX. Theatres and Places or Amusement ... 179
XXI. Learned Institutions..185
XXII. Colleges and Schools . 194
XXIII. Hospitals and Charitable Institutions .. 206
XXIV. Club Houses.218
XXV. The City and the Citizens...226
XXVI. Eminent Persons born in London .. 241
XXVII. Eminent Persons buried in London . 242
XXVIII. Houses in which eminent persons have lived . 246
XXIX. Streets, &c., (houses unknown or not standing) in which eminent men have lived ... 250
XXX. Places and Sites connected with remarkable events..251
XXXI. Out-door Monuments and Public Statues .. 255
XXXII. Principal Thoroughfares, Squares, and Lanes . 257
XXXIII. Index. 307
List of Plans and Maps.
Hyde Park . 28
St. James’s Park 30
Regent’s Park...33
The New Houses of Parliament .. 36
Bank of England, and its various Offices for Dividends, &c...61
Tower of London . 83
Westminster Abbey..97
St. Paul’s Cathedral . 113
British Museum .. 153
British Museum Reading Room..163
Clue-Map of London .. at the End.
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