Modern British domestic architecture and decoration : Special Summer number of 'The Studio' A.D. 1901. — London, 1901![]() ![]() Modern British domestic architecture and decoration : Special Summer number of 'The Studio' A.D. 1901 / Edited by Charles Holme. — London : The Studio, 1901. — 212 p. : ill.PREFATORY NOTE
One of the features which characterise the opening year of the twentieth century is the renewal of general interest in architecture and decoration, more especially in their relation to the construction and ornamentation of the home. The last century was chiefly remarkable for the numerous attempts to revive styles belonging to the past, most of which have failed in a greater or less degree owing to the fact that they have misrepresented modern conditions and modern requirements. That the new century should generate a style characteristically its own, borrowing from the past only those features that are strictly in accordance with present-day needs, is the desire of all who have given close attention to the principles that govern truly artistic work. Some progress in the right direction has been made in the course of recent years, and it is not only interesting now to observe the present-day phases of architecture and decoration, but it will be of value in time to come to look back upon what are probably but the initial stages of a large and important movement.
In the selection of illustrations it was thought desirable not to repeat here any of the numerous designs for modern houses and furniture which have appeared in the pages of The Studio from time to time, most of which would have been suitable for the purposes of this volume.
The editor desires to express his warm thanks to all those architects and decorators who have so kindly and so willingly given him their assistance.
“Upon House-Building in the Twentieth Century.” Written by Edward S. Prior, M.A., Author of The History of Gothic Art in England 9
“A Few Words on Domestic Furniture” 15
“Metal-Work in its Relation to Domestic Decoration.” Written by Nelson Dawson, Worker in Metals 19
“Modern Domestic Stained Glass.” Written by Oscar Paterson, Worker in Glass 24
“A Few Words on Decoration and Embroidery” 27
1. A Scheme of Simple Decoration for a Dining-Room. Reproduced in Colours from a Design by A. H. Baxter 33
2. Design for a Fireplace in Cedar Wood. Reproduced in Colours from a Design by Frank Brangwyn 43
3. Garden Front of a House at Hambledon. Reproduced in Colours from a Design by R. A. Briggs 57
4. A House at Crowborough, Sussex. Reproduced from a Pencil Drawing by R. A. Briggs 59
5. “The Garden of Adonis.” A Reproduction in Colours from a Panel of Embroidery designed and executed by Mary Newill 81
6. “A Sea Idyll.” Design for a Panel of Stained Glass. Reproduced in Colours from a Drawing by H. Granville Fell 95
7. “ Water-Babies.” Design for a Band of Ornament. Reproduced in Colours from a Drawing by Winifred M. Horton 99
8. A Simple Scheme of Decoration for a Boudoir, showing in situ the Decoration of Water-Babies illustrated on page 99. Reproduced in Colours from a Drawing by Winifred M. Horton 101
9. Stencilled Frieze for a Night Nursery. Reproduced in Colours from a Design by Florence. H. Laverock 101
10. “The Teak House.” View of the Living-Room. Reproduced in Colours from a Design by A. Wickham Jarvis 107
11. Decorative Panel for a Fireplace in Green Shell and Mother-of-Pearl. By Frederick Marriott 121
12. “When Pan and all the World were Young.” Two three-light Windows representing “Night” and “Day.” Reproduced in Colours from the Designs by Oscar Paterson 141
13. A Scheme for the Decoration of a Dining-Room. Reproduced in Colours from a Drawing by Olivia Rawlins 153
14. “The Chaplain’s House, St. Mary’s Home, Wantage.” Reproduced in Colours from the Design by M. H. Baillie Scott 157
15. The Dining-Room in a House at Crowborough. Reproduced in Colours from the Design by M. H. Baillie Scott 161
16. Design fora Stencil Decoration. Reproduced in Colours from a Drawing by Ingram Taylor 173
17. Colour-Scheme of the Dining-Room in C. F. A. Voysey’s House, “The Orchard,” at Chorley Wood. From a Sketch by Wilfrid Ball 187
18. “Eros.” A Design for a Sectional Mosaic in Marble, Glass, and Silver. Reproduced in Colours from the Cartoon by George Walton 201
19. Interior of the Drawing-Room in a House at Huddersfield. Reproduced in Colours from a Design by Edgar Wood 207
Angus, Christine, Designer page 98
Ball, Wilfrid, Painter page 187
Bedford, F. W., and Kitson, S. D., Architects page 35 to 38
Brangwyn, Frank, Painter and Designer page 39 to 53
Brewer, Cecil C., Architect page 54
Brierley, W. H., Architect page 55
Briggs, R. A., Architect and Designer page 56 to 61
Burne-Jones, Sir Philip, Painter and Designer page 176
Butler, E., Architect page 77 to 88
Cash, John, Architect page 62
Cave, Walter F., Architect and Designer page 63 to 65
Cooke, John, Painter page 73
Cooksey, May L. G., Designer page 76
Cooper, C. J. Harold, Architect and Designer page 66 to 75
Creswick, Benjamin, Sculptor page 87
Crouch, J., and Butler, E., Architects page 77 to 88
Davis, Fred., R.I., Painter pages 80, 84, 85
Dawson, Nelson, Painter and Metal-worker page 89
Ellwood, G. M., Designer page 90 to 93
Ellwood, Mrs. G. M., Embroiderer page 93
Fell, H. Granville, Designer page 95
Fisher, Alexander, Metal-worker and Enameller page 94
Frith, W. S., Sculptor pages 68, 69, 74
Griggs, F. L. B., Pen-draughtsman and Painter page 139
Harris, Florence D., Embroiderer page 97
Haslam, R., Architect pages 106 and 109
Hayes, M., Woodcarver page 38
Heal, Ambrose, Junior, Designer page 98
Heaton, Ralph, Architect page 103
Horton, Winifred M., Designer page 99 to 102
Image, Selwyn, Designer and Painter page 104 to 105
Jarvis, A. Wickham, and Haslam, R., Architects page 106 to 109
Lee, T. Stirling, Sculptor pages 67, 68, 74
Mackintosh, Charles R., Designer page 110 to 115
Mackintosh, Margaret Macdonald, Designer page 110 to 115
McNair, Herbert, Designer page 116 to 119
McNair, Frances, Designer page 116 to 119
Marriott, Pickford, Mosaic-worker in Pearl and Ivory page 120
Marriott, Frederick,Mosaic-worker in Pearl and Ivory page 121
Mitchell, Arnold, Architect page 123 to 127
Neatby, William James, Designer page 128 to 131
Newbery, Mrs., J. R. Designer and Embroiderer page 132 to 133
Newill, Mary J., Designer and Embroiderer „ 80 to 83
Newton, Ernest, Architect page 134 to 138
Niven, D. B., and Wigglesworth, Herbert, Architects page 139
Noble, Edwin, Designer page 140
Paterson, Oscar, Worker in Stained Glass page 141 to 146
Pearse, S., Designer page 147 to 148
Pickett, Edith, Designer page 149
Pomeroy, F. W., Sculptor page 68
Prior, Edward S., Architect and Designer page 150
Rathbone, R. Ll. B., Metal-worker pages 37, 151, 152
Rawlins, Olivia B., Designer page 153
Reynolds, W. Bainbridge, Metal-worker page 155 to 156
Richmond, Sir William, R.A., Painter and Designer page 176
Scott, M. H. Baillie, Architect and Designer page 157 to 163
Seth-Smith, W. H., Architect page 164 to 166
Simpson, Edgar, Metal-worker pages 36, 37, and 167
Smithies, James, Metal-worker page 168 to 169
Solon, Leon V., Designer page 170
Spooner, Charles, Designer page 171 to 172
Stabler, Harold, Metal-worker page 151
Sumner, Heywood, Designer page 177
Taylor, Ingram, Designer page 173 to 175
Taylor, Una, Embroiderer page 176 to 177
Tree, Philip, Architect and Designer page 172
Veazey, David, Designer page 178 to 180
Voysey, C. F. A., Architect and Designer page 181 to 194
Walker, A. G., Sculptor page 70
Walton, George, Architect and Designer page 195 to 206
Wood, Edgar, Architect and Designer page 207 to 212
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